Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday Link Day

Oracle offers to buy BEA for $6.66 billion. Outside of the immediate 666 references to evil this does have several interesting implications to the software world. It has been no secret that Oracle has been trying to buy RedHat and JBoss and this puts yet another point of pressure in that series of events and the two worlds of Open Source software versus Corporate Sold software.

Airlines agree on check-in by cell phone. The headline alone on this one caught my attention. There are many implications to this possibility. I have long been jealous of the fact that non-US based cell technology is farther ahead and this is yet another item that will drive the laggard gap.

And last links but not least links, here are a few fun links that were shared with me from my JanaRSS feed. Google Smackdown, a query tool to see which phrase or words appears more across the web. Soople - an easy expert search, with a collection of tools in easy format also built on Google tech.

Yay Friday!

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