A Link, A List and a Quote
Not a big post for today. Just a simple one.
Mark Coulston recently published an article in Fast Company that is worth checking out. It is entitled, Don't Mess Up. IT lists the 10 things that smart leaders do to help them cope with stress that are actually destructive.
1. Avoid confrontation
2. Hire advisors, but don't listen to them
3. Don't accept when they're wrong
4. Avoid dealing with reality
5. Wait too long or not long enough to cut their losses
6. Focus too much on strategy vs. execution
7. Trust analysis over instinct
8. Trust instinct over analysis
9. Practice favoritism
10. Minimize the importance of what they don't understand
Mark also shares a quote and we all know I love quotes so here you go.
"Everybody here has the ability to do anything I do and much beyond. Some of you will and some of you won't. For those who won't, it will be because you get in your own way, not because the world doesn't allow you."
- Warren Buffett speaking the University of Washington
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