Nothing gets done till nothing gets done - Woehlke's Law
What a provocative thought... nothing gets done till nothing gets done. This law is really more of a postulate or a theory then an actual scientific law as I don't believe any mathematical proof has ever been done. That said, it is one that has a lot of circumstantial and experiential evidence piled up towards it being the truth.
We have all been on projects where we know going in that the right [Resources, Timeline, Staffing, Education, ...] is not in place for the project to be successful. But we march on and because we all want to do a great job we try our hardest and keep the worst from happening for a long time, sometimes succeeding despite the obstacles and sometimes not failing until very late. What Woehlke is stating in this is that in order to get management attention and get the resources that are truly needed to be successful a problem needs to be evident.
A few quick reads on Woehlke's law -
- The Nimble PM has a nice article on Woehlkes law starting with the quote "Project managers will not get the staff they need so long as they muddle through with overtime, ulcers, and super-human effort. Only when deadlines are missed will senior management approve the staff who, had they been available at the outset, would have prevented the missed deadlines"
- Cutter had an advisor article in 2005 where Donna Fitzgerald made some great points about how to avoid getting caught in the trap and how hard it is for most of us over achievers to really understand what this law means.
What do I think this law means? If you look at a project and know that it can't be successful you need to prove it. Not with whining and bellyaching. If you go to management with a story of how "this will be really hard" you will get a reaction of "well duh, that's why we have you, our gifted team on this project". Rather you need to have "Data in fact". Set up tests to show where performance is and what would be needed to mitigate it. Set up early aggressive iterations to show a realistic rate of development. It's all about risk mitigation... if you can show where the real true risk is then you will get help. If all you have is an intuitive "this is hard" you will be patted on the head and told to go try hard.
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