Tuesday, September 26, 2006

SOA Day 7 - From Object Oriented to Message Oriented

Day 1 - Connections = Cost to Connections = Value
Day 2 - Function Oriented to Process Oriented
Day 3 - Build to last to Build for change
Day 4 - Prolonged Development to Incremental Deployment
Day 5 - Application Silos to Orchestrated Solutions
Day 6 - Tightly Coupled to Loosely Coupled

This is the last in my series of mental shifts. Hopefully people found some value in them rather than me just preaching via electrons. I truly believe that if we take these simple shifts to heart we will have better overall systems not just a good SOA architecture. That said, on to today's post... shifting our mindset from Object Oriented to Message Oriented. This is not to say the Object Oriented programming is evil but rather SOA is an offshoot from Object Oriented development focused on integration of components and communication between them and as such needs to be approached differently.

As we start to change the other aspects of our mindset we will be required to change our thinking from specifics of application development to how application components will communicate and connect. Since we will have loosely coupled the application components we will need to think about how we will message between them. In order for orchestration to work we need to know what will be sent in the communications between components. Since we will have components that will evolve incrementally we will need to build messages that will evolve gracefully as things change.

By shifting this component we will be able to safely perform actions that before required synchronous communications to those that are asynchronous. With this shift we will be able to take advantage of queues, allowing our application components to consume and compute as fast as they are able. We will be able to maintain protections of components and between components because it will be built into the architecture.

Obviously none of these things are silver bullet's but are again steps towards allowing higher level computation once again. Just as Assembly gave way to C which gave way to C++ then to Java as languages so too will our application communication metaphors continue to evolve.

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