Friday, February 16, 2007

Not dead yet...

Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Ok. So maybe there weren't really rumors of death. I did hear from enough of my regular readers though that I wanted to pop a quick post out to declare that I am still alive just HORRIBLY busy at the moment. I normally write my blogs at night and post when I get a chance but of late I have been working regular work during that time. Rude isn't it?

Rather than simply declare that I am alive (and whine that I am busy) I will share a bit of scalability learning as well. I was recently sent a link to a wonderful article on the stability journey of (if you don't know what MySpace is you probabl live under an internet rock) in Baseline Magazine. It's a fairly quick read and it discusses many of the standard things you learn with scale. (Partitioning, Virtualization, Simplicity, Segmentation etc.)

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