Friday, April 06, 2007

It works on my machine...

It's been a while since I have done a Friday Link Day so I wanted to throw together a quick one and pop a few of my favorites out for this week.

It works on my machine. What technologist has ever existed who has not used these words? Well now you can stamp that application with all of the recognition that a single threaded one time test deserves. By following the criteria outlined in this Blog post you can use the logo below and show the quality of your app.

Next, in the news of the truly cynical at heart, check out this article on Job Cuts for Fun and Profit. Short Circuiting Circuit City decided that 3,400 of it's workers were making just over 50 cents more an hour than their own determined average acceptable salary for a sales associate... so they are laying them off to hire cheaper people. So the next time you are looking for help and wondering why you can't find anyone who knows as much as your 7 year old you can remember how saving 50 cents an hour in employee costs got you an extra 25 cents off a computer. The article, one pulled together as part of the Knowledge at Wharton effort from U Penn Wharton School of Management, actually makes many good points on a number of topics and is worth a read if you get a chance.

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