Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Solaris vs. Linux

As mentioned in my post Sun gets a new spark I recently had the opportunity to visit with some of the folks from SUN and get some visibility into the efforts they have under way. One of the things that this visit caused me to ponder was Solaris 10. When Sun open sourced Solaris I wrote it off as the death throws of a previously strong giant and it made me sad. I originally cut my Unix teeth on Solaris and did a lot of work with it as the stable foundation on which to build open systems. However, as Linux came into its own I have also been one of those folks who has systematically been replacing Solaris in the data center with Linux. For the most part going with the masses to Red Hat but with occasional forays into others as well.

Some developers that I know have stuck with Solaris for their development environments even through the Linux craze due to tools that they liked. Originally I had gone the other way, moving development environments to Linux and deployment environments to Solaris. Solaris in prod for stability and Linux for tools and speed in development.

With the new innovation going into Solaris, things like ZFS, zones and Grid it gives pause. The difficulty now is that everyone and their kid sister has run Linux, known Linux etc. There is a wealth of Linux talent out there and the Solaris admins are much harder to find. Of course Red Hat has been getting more proud of their products and pricing their support accordingly which also adds to the mix. With all of the recent silliness from Microsoft on their FUD around Open Source and indemnity clauses things get even more interesting. (I personally am of the belief that if they thought they could win they would already be in court... but I am sure the FUD is the real goal)

So given your choice... which would you pick?

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